Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Is this a Learning Log?

An official WEARENOTOCA video with a little help from Mr Tutor Doll as he helps us understands what's NOT a learning log!

Friday, 27 January 2012

‘Tongue in Chic’ range

The official WEARENOTOCA gift shop with a difference.

Core Course Essentials

Everything you need for your Creative Arts Degree. Buy complete pack for £29.99

Don't forget to keep in the lines!

Design Essential!

Canvas - extra small, easy to mail.

Sculpture Pack

A 'must' for Graphics Students!

(Trick your tutor - say you did it!)

Photography Display Kit

Impress your assessor by displaying your photographs in this luxury fold-away photo frame.

Top Quality

Textile Essential

Brings a whole new meaning to patience.

Core Course Essentials: Reading list

OCA Student Website for Dummies
For any student wanting to join the ‘fun’ on the OCA student site.

While stocks last.

Student Association Constitution - Volume One
An essential read for any student with sleeping difficulties.

Volume two coming soon!

WOW your fellow students with these amazing, high quality goods.

Chic Medallion- solid gold, honest! Only £199.99

I love OCA Earrings - sterling silver £39.99

‘Tricky’ Disguise

Ideal for OCA study days when you feel unsure about the other students. If they look OK, just run to the toilets and simply remove the disguise. Comes with handy carrier bag. £59.99

‘Wearenotoca’ Uniform

Plastic fisherman’s hat with matching marigolds. Comes with free OCA fraternity ring. Bargain Price £34.99

Feeling flat?  Why not treat yourself...

Morale Boosters (1): Blog of the Week Trophy 

Not getting the recognition you deserve?
Buy your own top quality “Blog of the Week” trophy.
(Name engraved extra)

Go on - you know you want one!    

Morale booster (2):   Easy Change Tutor

Contact him anytime!

He will always be there for you!

Don’t like your tutor? Why don’t you buy your own!  He doesn’t mind what your artwork looks like. He comes with three voice activated phrases:

‘You can do whatever you want’
‘That’s the best thing I’ve ever seen’
‘I’m going to put you forward for Blog Of The Week’


Go that extra mile by tattooing yourself with this exclusive and very desirable GD
(Gareth Dent) spray tattoo. £69.49

Easy spray - no pain!

The only 'bleed' is the ink!


Show your commitment to the OCA by tattooing yourself with the courses you have achieved. Only £44.99



Half Price!
While stocks last!
Grace your studio with this wonderful OCA Christmas tree.

Payment info:
All payments in cash, at a motorway service station near you.

No refunds under any circumstances.

Any use of the official OCA logo was an innocent mistake.